A encenação de La Celestina por Ziembinski: o clássico de Fernando de Rojas no Brasil do regime militar / La Celestina play, by Ziembinski: Fernando de Rojas classical work in Brazil during the militar government




La Celestina, as it is known the Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea, by Fernando de Rojas, is a fundamental work of Hispanic culture. Due to its essentially dramatic style it has been already adapted in many countries and in different times. During 1969 and 1970, three different professional performances of La Celestina took place in Brazil. The objective of this study is to analyze the performance done in São Paulo, under the direction of Ziembinski, based upon the adapted text written by Eudinyr Fraga and the historical material collected during the research. Also it aims at establishing a dialogue with the two other performances occurred in Porto Alegre and Rio de Janeiro. Besides it this paper identifies and analyzes the Brazilian artists interest in producing the classic Spanish play in the Brazilian context of military dictatorship, setting forth the hypothesis that those performances could signify an aesthetics of political action in opposition to the repression lived during the military dictatorship. In this sense, it was taken into account the social-historical context and the aesthetics options that directed the artistic doing of those times as essential facts to establish the relationships of meanings in the studied object. In the case of the performance of La Celestina in São Paulo, it is noticeable a political purpose clearly defined, which wants to bring to the stages, by means of an audacious and critical play, the questions regarding the lack of political freedom, the repression and the class struggle. This allowed to include Ziembinskis play in the group of the aesthetics manifestations in resistance to Brazilian military dictatorship.


eudinyr fraga ziembinski la celestina militar government regime militar brazilian theater teatro brasileiro eudinyr fraga ziembinski la celestina

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