A educação de jovens e adultos no curso técnico PROEJA de nível médio no Colégio Agrícola Vidal de Negreiros




To develop this study entitled: Education for Youths and Adults in the Technical PROEJA Middle Level Agricultural College in Vidal de Negreiros, was initially found a bibliography, drawing up ideas of renowned authors, from which we built a theoretical framework trying to understand various aspects on the subject of research, whose general objective is to understand the specific action of the teachers who teach the young people and adults PROEJA, and as specific as it did describe the historical development of the College of Agricultural Vidal de Negreiros and reflect on the didactic and pedagogical action of the teachers who teach in that course. In its methodological aspect, seeking to capture what difficulties these teachers interviewed face in their daily lessons, we adopted a qualitative-quantitative research stamp in which we seek to know through a questionnaire applied to teachers merged, the data collection promoted the researcher to know how they occur practices of teachers in the development of educational work the same with the students of adult education in vocational schools, and also to contribute to an evaluation and reflection on the Education of Young People and Adult and professionalism. Therefore, this dissertation seeks to reveal the identity of the action of teachers, thus setting the methodological criteria used in research.


dificuldades teachers difficulties professores education of youths and adults educacao educação de jovens e adultos

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