A educação como condição de acesso à cidadania




This study is under the line of research History and Politics of Education, the Graduate Program in Education of PUCPR. The issue of this research focuses on the following question: taking into view the complex socio-political, economic and educational the present society, education can be considered as a mechanism for construction of access to citizenship? Accordingly, the study talks about the need of the population, less favoured, to achieve the full exercise of citizenship, through access to school education, getting the dignity in their professional training. The general aim is to understand the limits, complexity and the possibilities of the school set up a mechanism for access and construction of citizenship in today s global society. How specific objectives are to: 1. Identifying the complexity of the different concepts of "education", "access" and "citizenship". 2.Investigar which the perception of the target population of this study, with the condition of access to citizenship. 3. Discuss the importance of education for citizenship. The population studied was the St. John Neighborhood, the city of Pato Branco in the state of Parana. The sample included a total of twenty families. The study took as a reference: Freire (1974), Cappelletti (1988), Benevides (1991), Arroyo (1995), Motta (1997), Canivez (1998), Muniz (2002), Boneti (2006), among others. As methodology, a qualitative approach to search through a questionnaire containing twenty-four of multiple choice questions. The work has a structure, in addition to the introduction, three chapters dealing with education, access and citizenship, education and legislation: the relationship between civil law and duty; education as a condition of access to citizenship, analysis of data collected and finally, the Final considerations. The results obtained in the search showed that the people interviewed know the meaning of the word citizenship, by its complexity. The experience that the analysis of qualitative data gave was that people in adverse conditions are likely to improve the possibility of access to citizenship through education.


ensino superior - dissertações cidadania educação - pato branco (pr) educational sociology education sociologia educacional educacao education, higher direito à educação citizenship right to education

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