A educação camponesa como espaço de resistencia e recriação da cultura : um estudo sobre as concepçoes e praticas educativas da Escola Familia Agricola de Goias - EFAGO




This work interferes in a constant search in understanding the phenomena of an education alternative for the rural way located in the state of Goiás, specifically, in the city of Goiás. The experiences of that alternative are called Pedagogy of the Alternation assumed as objective headquarters of CEFFAs - Family Centers of Formation for Alternation. CEFFAs are divided in EFAs (Schools Agricultural Families) and CFRs (Rural Family Houses). Both possess the same origins in Maison Familiales Rurales of France and, later, of Italy. In Brazil, they appear starting from the decade of 60, with the implantation of MEPES in Espírito Saint state. A lot of experiences appeared for Brazil and, among them, the School Agricultural Family of Goiás that it begins your activities starting from 1994. However, it was being thought and contemplated by the rural communities, seated and agents of pastorals since 1989 when it was noticed the need to find an alternative for the children of seated of the municipal districts of Goiás, Itapuranga and Itapirapuã. In this research, with more than a decade of implantation, it was verified great changes in the directions of EFA of Goiás. The enormous challenge of the Education of the Field is noticed in Brazil before a culture that depreciates the rural worker and it exalts the agriculturebusiness; before the educational proposals fomented by the governments that assume with vehemence the traditionalism and the bancarism in the offer of basic education annulling all the existent alternatives; of the construction of practices educational alternatives since if they always end up yielding to the neoliberal temptation. In that way, this work represents the social actors effort that helped to build him/it. Mainly, all the subjects that participated in the process, among them, I highlight: the farmers, monitors, students and agents of pastoral of the Diocese of Goiás. The research tried to understand every called educational phenomenon EFA, from your French origins to your implantation in Brazilian territory. The Pedagogy of the existent Alternation in Brazil stood out in contradictory periods of the Brazilian history as the Military Dictatorship and the process of neoliberal reforms in the education starting from the decade of 90. In this sense, he/she saw himself the need to present what means if he/she speaks in education in times of exclusion provided by the neoliberal system. Also, so that we could understand the educational phenomenon in study it was necessary to understand the subject of the Fight for the Earth in the municipal district of Goiás and your significance to promote other citizenship rights denied her/it this portion of the society, such as: health, education, transport, credit, feeding and dignity. With that, the educational phenomenon can be understood that appears until then in the city of Goiás and the implantation of an alternative project of education denied for the rural workers of the Area of the valley of Red Rio children in Goiás.


educação rural movimentos sociais cultura escolas rurais - aspectos sociais

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