A educaÃÃo polÃtico-estÃtica da periferia de Fortaleza: reflexÃes sobre a cultura do olhar. / the education political-aesthetic of youth the periphery of Fortaleza: reflections on the culture of the glance




This research work can be identified as a group of efforts that seeks to make known, to register and to turn public, as the education political-aesthetic of the Fortaleza periphery is constituted, located in the community PoÃo da Draga; that is known pejoratively as " Favela do Baixa-Pau", has in its backdrop some reflections on the culture of the glance. Residents in the mentioned Community, come to the society and they are seen by her, in the construction attempt for belonging, trying to place this Community in the context of a discussion on periphery and culture; for so much, it tries to bound the theme in the salience of the dynamics sociocultural Fortaleza contemporary. Another subject that this research investigates is the referred Community s residents resistance, understanding the struggles with the public and private powers, as well as the process of segregation of the segregation, pertinent to the context of " existent poverty" inside of the own Community. This way, we have chosen four sceneries for our inquiry: the school (the classroom, the union, the bathrooms, the corridors), place of the ideas and of the ideals. the house (the architectural construction, the pieces of furniture and the utensils, the prints on the walls, etc),a safe place for the poor people. the street (the leads, the spaces interdicted in the city â incasrs and autdoors funk parties and the shopping malls). the transitory home for all of us; as well as the slum the home of the huts,. And, the body (clothes, seasonings, tattoos, scars, " piercins"), this vehicle of our geo-political-cultural journey.


educaÃÃo cultura popular â poÃo da draga(fortaleza,ce) artes e sociedade â poÃo da draga(fortaleza,ce) polÃtica periphery favelas â aspectos sociais â poÃo da draga(fortaleza,ce) estÃtica education aesthetic political poÃo da draga(fortaleza,ce) â usos e costumes juventude periferia poÃo da draga(fortaleza,ce) â condiÃÃes sociais educacao em periferias urbanas youth

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