A desordem dos dias : Rubem Braga e a Segunda Guerra




This dissertation talks about the series of texts written by Rubem Braga between February of 1944 and April of 1945 for "Diario Carioca" newspaper, these texts have as central subject the Second World War, its effects in Brazil (that was under the Estado Novo dictatorship at that time)and the participation of the Brazilian soldiers in the Italian combats. These texts are divided in two phases: the ones written between February and January of 1944, when Braga had the column "Ordem do dia" (most of them unpublished in books, and the ones written in Italy, when Braga acted as a war correspondent at FEB, the Brazilian expeditionary force (almost all of them were published in the book "Com a FEB na Italia"). This dissertation gives special attention to the way how the chronicle built the intimacy with the reader in these two periods


cronicas brasileiras guerra mundial - literatura e guerra literatura brasileira

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