A critica de tradução em Antoine Berman : reflexo de uma concepção anti-etnocentrica da tradução




This study examines the concepts of translation and translation criticism of the French theorist Antoine Berman (1942-1991), exposed in his posthumous work, "Pour une critique des traductions: John Donne" (1995). In this book, Berman presents his project of translation criticism as a new geme of literary criticism, and in doing so he intends to fulfill the lack existing in the area as he believed there were not, till then, reflections or examples showing how to proceed to a "defrnite analysis of a translation" (p. 13-4). As a consequence, Berman developed a project on translation criticism, as well as its application especially to the French translations of the elegy "Going to bed" by the English poet John Donne. My study, besides presenting, charaterizing and examining the Bermanian contribution with respect to its innovativeness and purposes, proposes an evaluation of its perspectives and extensions and its premises. In this study, I emphasize that this theorist privileges a translation method which would preserve the source language characteristics, and condemns the method named by him as "ethnocentric", which would domesticate a foreign text, as he claims in "La traduction et Ia Iettre" (1985, p. 45-53). This rejection to the domesticating translation is hereon denominated "anti-ethnocentric". Having this in mind, the outcome of this study will point the conflicts present in the author s project due to his theoretical premises and his upmost objective, that is, to elaborate a "non-subjective" and "non-dogmatic" criticism, wbich is "founded on consensual judgement" (1995, p. 16). I will try to show that, although tbis theorist claims the proposal of a criticism of tbis nature, he, in fact, develops a criticism marked by the "anti-ethnocentric" concept, wbich, inevitably, suggests an ideologically marked translation approach, and not a universally valid approach, as he advocates


linguistica aplicada critica tradução e interpretação

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