A des-construção da critica (literaria) de tradução : uma analise das resenhas criticas de tradução do caderno MAIS!




This dissertation examines the concepts of translation criticism, since from the evaluator essays on translation written by Brazilians critics, teachers, translators, and poets, gathered from the journal articlesedited at the Mais! supplement of the Folha de S. Paulo newspaper, in which they devote some space to the consideration that involves the translation practice. In using these essays, one intends to show the "interweaving" between the translation criticism and literary criticism, troubling their distinctions, from the premises that guide such practices. My study, besides presenting, characterizing and examining the contribution of the criticism with respect to its innovativeness and purposes, proposes an evaluation of its perspectives and extensions and its premises. In this study, it becomes clear fact that these critics privilege a translation method, which would preserve the source language characteristics, and condemns the lack of fidelity, as they have been claimingin the following articles.This rejection to the translation is hereon denominated "essentialist". Thus, the deconstruction reveals not only metaphysics premises that denounce the predorninance of a binary model, such as the oppositions: translation-original, fidelity-recreation, but also the judgment like main criteria on the commend about translated literary work to the Brazilian Portuguese. The purpose of this work consists at bringing to the surface the conflicts presented in the critical propositions, revealing to them the common ground - the fidelity, whether in the literality, whether in the translation creation. In addition, demonstrating how much the new tendencies about the translation research show themselves, in a remarkable manner, on the apparently outer discourses from the universitary environment. The deconstruction exposing the impossibility of the translation discourse idiosyncrasy in each field of investigation - distinctions supported by the scientificism at the Humanities, specially on the Applied Linguistics


criticas textuais translation literary criticism tradução e interpretação

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