A construÃÃo social da violÃncia contra idosos




The present study investigated the domestic violence against the elderly starting with the detailing of perception of the risk factors, and the relations of power and the social disqualification. The research was conducted with the purpose of: reflect about the oldness in its social dimension; think about the condition of those that grow old and the social category to whom it is referred, the relation of power manifests in its everyday; comprehend what is the meaning of social disqualification of oldness, present as unleashed cause of the violence narrated in the analyzed processes; notice the way as the elderly generate this new victim condition; and how starting with the resistance present in the act of denounce this violence search reconstruct theirs lives and identities of subjects. Were analyzed eight (8) processes concluded by the Prosecution of Pernambuco in 2006 involving elderly in situation of violence. From the attendances of the oldness prosecution in 2006 we find that the situation of the violence manifest in one hundred forty (140) cases followed in the current year. In this universe, we verify that fifteen (15) denounces continue in process, one hundred twenty-five (125) of the cases are in process of counting of facts and conclusion of the information that allow its conclusion. We come to the cutting of our research, the eight (8) âResolved Casesâ, processes then designated by the Oldness Prosecution for have been concluded and filed whose data are from public dominion, thus the sample of the research. Our focus of investigation was the relation between the disqualification of the elderly while social actor and the violence committed against him/her that passed to become public starting with the denounces. We understand denounce, as one of the manners of resistance of the elderly that impose the society your presence, participating in the social everyday struggling for a space and reveling situations of disrespect, discrimination and violence that are submitted. In the studies realized we confirmed our hypothesis that the social disqualification of this group promotes a tacit and silent endorsement by the family and the society that accepts with naturalness the cases of violence, abandonment, negligence and abuse committed. The oldness counts little in social relations, and its presence finds covered of ironic and depreciative significations. Thus, we conclude that between the numerical visibility and the social space of the oldness interposes a pit deepened daily by the inexistence of a process of inclusion of the oldness in the Brazilian social and cultural context


servico social violÃncia velhice idosos oldness elderly violence

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