A comunicação no vínculo conjugal / A comunicação no vínculo conjugal




The present research examines the communication theory from its unfoldings in familiar relations and, more specifically, in the marital bond. In order to do so, we analyze characteristic phenomena from the familiar environment, described as pathogenic, where we can demonstrate the absence of communication, as defined by Marcondes Filho in the theoretical approach developed by the project .Nova Teoria da Comunicação. (New Communication Theory). Our work evidences, based on diverse empirical researches, that the form in which communication occurs in the familiar environment is responsible for pathologies such as schizophrenic communication, as defined by Gregory Bateson, and neurotic relations among couples. However, we verify that language, independent of its form, verbal or nonverbal, is not what determines marital satisfaction or dissatisfaction.


esquizofrenia family linguagem language schizophrenia marriage pathological communication comunicação patológica família casamento

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