A autonomia da escola pós lei n. 9394/96 (Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional): um estudo das interferências dos órgãos superiores e intermediários da Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo




This work is related to the subject autonomy of the school, from the implantation of the new Educational Politics in the state of São Paulo for the Secretary of Education (SEE-SP), after LDB 9394/96 of 20/12/96, due to the fact that the reforms ocurred after that have pointed the autonomy of school as a preponderant factor to the improvement of the quality of education. The objective is to investigate the concrete and daily relations between the higher instances of Secretary of Education and its intermediate agencies with the school to understand until where these relations have favored and/or damaged the autonomy of the school. By the metodologic point of view, during one period of learning, data of all the determinations, orientations, requests of the central and intermediate agencies that had arrived to the school by correspondence received through email were registered and analysed. The leading hypothesis of the research is that the interventions of the central and intermediate agencies on the scholar daily have made autonomous practices difficult in the school, leaving it as a hostage of a centralizing process, despite the Secretary of Education proclaiming the decentralization, making with that the bureaucratic excess confuses the democratic and independent exercise of the school


autonomia da escola gestão democrática autonomia escolar autonomy of the school educacao e estado -- sao paulo (estado) descentralization democratic administration descentralização educacao brasil -- [lei n. 9394 de 20 de dezembro de 1996] educacao -- leis e legislacao -- brasil

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