A amizade entre crianças na escola


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




How do children assign meaning to friendship at school? This is the question I intend to discuss in this thesis. It is my intention to analyze friendship among children at school, having as my investigative focus the ways in which children make friends and relate to each other in such environment. Based on signs produced by those children involved in this research ¿ a group composed of eighteen children, eight girls and ten boys, aged seven to eleven, attending the second year of an elementary public school in Porto Alegre ¿ I attempt to understand how they engender themselves and are engendered based on friendship relations built among them. In order to do so, the concepts of sign and language, by Charles Sanders Peirce (2008), as well as the concepts of friendship, particularly as referred to by Friedrich Nietzsche (2004, 2005, 2006, 2008 and 2012), Michel Foucault (2010) and Francesco Alberoni (1989), have become the main theoretical contribution used to analyze the collected data. Children live a fundamental aspect of their childhoods through friendship. As they attend school, they become part of an exercise in experimentation and transience, where they can learn about the Other and learn about themselves through the Other.


childhoods amizade friendship ensino fundamental infância primary education prática pedagógica

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