A Agenda 21 no processo de desenvolvimento do turismo em São Francisco do Sul/SC: uma leitura da participação social




The Agenda 21 of São Francisco do Sul arose as an environmental compensation faced with the installation of a big multinational company in town. The result of the participatory efforts for the implementation of the Agenda 21 in the town tourism was understood through the institutional drawing, where the social participants were articulated with an aim to obtain the results that culminated in the book Agenda 21 of São Francisco do Sul. In this dissertation, the tourist activity was scored through a methodology of future and present settings, glimpsing the sustainable development. The questions that guided the elaboration of this research look forward to understand the social participation process in the sustainable development of the tourism through the Agenda 21. In this basis, the goal of this research is to analyze the social participation process in the development of the Agenda 21 of São Francisco do Sul, approaching the touristic activity and the definitions about the sustainable development of this sector. It assumes as hypothesis the presence of the multinational company sponsoring the Agenda 21 and the political positions that the undertaking generated in the city, influencing the participation of a part of the community. The methodology adopted is the participant research, with the researchers presence in different localities in the research field, and approaching the connected social actors to the institutional drawing of the Agenda 21 in the tourism, the Group of Work and the touristic trade of São Francisco do Sul. From the result obtained in the research, its possible to highlight the importance of the efforts of the Agenda 21 for the sustainable development of São Francisco do Sul, the presence of the public power in the leadership of the tourism through the institutional drawing and the present approach of the tourism sector for the Agenda 21, that seems to be summarized to the document addressings, summarizing the social presence more in the pursuit of results they longed for, than in the arguments and new addressings


tourism turismo turismo - são francisco do sul (sc); desenvolvimento sustentável - são francisco do sul (sc); participação social - são francisco do sul (sc) participação social agenda 21 social participation agenda 21 turismo

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