A adoção e o tráfico de crianças e adolescentes à luz do direito nacional e dos tratados internacionais




The purpose of this paper is to study adoption as a means to face childrens international traffic, by warning society as to the problem of the great number of abandoned children living in extreme privation, bearing in mind that such young people are beings in development who are worth of a dignified childhood in order to become capable and helpful citizens in the future. Being aware of this matter, Brazil has entered into International Treaties which lead to this solution, outstanding the benefits of maintaining the children within a family. This paper has been elaborated through researches on Brazilian and international jurisprudence and doctrine which grounded the analyses of real cases. The disclosure of the existing situation, the importance of society conscienciousness to hinder and punish the crime of traffic, and the compilation of laws, jurisprudence and doctrine focused in this work provide ellements to help the fight against childrens exploration and state the importance of placing the child in a substitute home, whenever he/she can not be brought up by his/her own family, thus making possible for the child to grow up in a healthy ambience, with dignity, respect, tenderness and hapiness


direito adocao internacional traffic direitos das criancas crime contra as criancas adolescent tráfico adocao child criança adolescente adoption

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