Um estudo das representações sociais sobre química de estudantes do ensino médio da educação de jovens e adultos paulistana / A study of social representations about chemistry of Sao Paulo\ s Youth and Adult Education students


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The present work reports how the term \"chemistry\" is present in the views of students of the Youth and Adult Education of the public schools in São Paulo (Brazil). Serge Moscovici´s Theory of Social Representations, and its structural approach, the Central Nucleus Theory, as formulated by Jean Claude Abric, are the theoretical and methodological guidelines that underlie this study. Information was gathered through a questionnaire applied to 186 students, aged between 18 and 58 years, using the technique of free-evocation of words followed by the same hierarchy. For the analysis of the collected material, we used the technique of content analysis, of Bardin, and structural analysis of social representations, proposed by Abric. The data obtained from free-evocation and ranking questions enable us to identify and understand the relationships established by these students for the term \"chemistry\", that allowed making explicit the various possible meanings of that word. The data indicate a representation organized mostly in formal school experience with restricted relationships to knowledge of common sense and dayly life. The Central Nucleus Theory presents a structural overview of the social representation of this group, indicating that the most quoted words refer to terms linked to formal knowledge, encompassing evocations concerning the school and its formalism. The data set obtained suggests that the majority representation is systematically fed by the methods of teaching, the curriculum and instructional materials used during chemistry classes, and even other classes.


análise estrutural chemistry educação de jovens e adultos ensino médio high school química representação social social representation structural analysis youth and adult education

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