Trazendo à baila a voz que fomenta pesquisas em linguagem: uma análise crítica do discurso do professor-orientador através do Sistema de Transitividade / Bringing up the voice that fosters research in language: a critical discourse analysis of the adviser through the system of transitivity


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The New Law of Directives and Bases of Brazilian Education (LDB 9.394/96) forecasts that higher education promotes critical, reflectivity, correlation of knowledge, but also the incentive to "research work and scientific research aiming the development of science and technology and the creation and dissemination of culture and, thus, to develop the understanding of man and the environment in which they live."(Article 43, paragraph III). However, little is heard about these issues from the voice of the adviser of academic research, what this adviser believes a social order problem is, in view of the importance of these social actors to academia. The few studies that address the theme are limited to identify the adviser from empirical impressions of the mentees and reflect the actions from political and educational issues (ARROW, 2003; Mazzilli, 2003; Bianchetti &MACHADO, 2006). In this sense, this paper attempts to answer through the Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), what the advisers have to say about their social practice. Interpretive in nature (Alves-Mazzotti, 1999), this research counts with data generated by advisers of master in Linguistics/Applied Linguistics, representatives of federal, state and private spheres of Rio de Janeiro, featuring two participants from each sphere. In the first stage, the subjects responded to a semi-structured interview. The second step consists of: a) a questionnaire, b) electronic mail; c) the regiments of the postgraduation programs, and d) historical review of advising in Brazil. The social character of this study is the dialectical relationship between language and society, as the CDA considers any discursive event as a text (first dimension), a discursive practice (second dimension) and a social practice (third dimension): the three-dimensional model (Fairclough, 2001). The transit system of LSF guided the analysis of the first dimension, confirming other studies on the ranking of the process recurrence (LIMA LOPES, 2001). The interpretation of this first dimension indicates that advisers act on idiosyncrasy, and that the main social actors of this act are adviser and mentees, in asymmetrical relationship power. In the second dimension, the interdiscursivity reinforces this idiosyncrasy, but includes the institutional pressures, which act as regulators of this act. In the third dimension, the results suggest that historical aspects justify the decline in the quality of the masters, associated to a political interest, and the characteristics of post-modernity to a new and hybrid performance. Moreover, the results point to a discourse of resistance against hegemony in the three dimensions of analysis. The survey also allowed discussions on practical aspects: a) the reflection of the subjects about their roles and responsibilities and b) update the theoretical, applied to a topic less explored. This work is an invitation to further research on the adviser discourse, bringing out not only his/her voice, as a literal speech of one of the interviewers, but also direct and significant contributions to studies in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics in Brazil


linguistica linguística sistêmico-funcional sistema de transitividade orientação discurso do professor-orientador mestrado critical discourse analysis systemic-functional linguistics transitivity system advising adviser discourse master degree

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