The brazilian habeas data in the perspective of its (In)effectiveness and as an instrument of access to justice: procedural simplification, extending of material reach and legitimacy ad causam as a way of ensuring the effectiveness of this institute / O habeas data brasileiro na perspectiva da sua (in)efetividade e como instrumento do acesso à justiÃa: simplificaÃÃo procedimental, ampliaÃÃo do alcance material e da legitimaÃÃo ad causam como meios de se garantir a efetividade desse instituto




This dissertation aims to give an original contribution to the constitutional process of the protection of individual liberties, attempting to reconstruct the institute of the habeas data through the view of the effects of the technical and scientific revolution on the circulation of data, considering the perspective of the access to justice and through a dialetic view, anchored on respectable sources. The methodology used was based on bibliographical research, empathize the protection of private rights on Latin America, because the empirical research on Latin America is one of the most advanced concerning to protection of intimacy human rights. This study intention is to analyze the habeas data through its procedural effectiveness and the access to justice movement. In this work, it will be defended that, the present brazilian model is ineffective, in face of the repercussion of the technological revolution in the communication field. This study will attempt to guarantee the effectiveness of this institute in relation to its material aspect, reaching computer data, and the same to its procedural aspect, dispensing the previous administrative procedure and permitting the exercise of the right of action relative to the habeas data through the Public Ministery (Parquet) and all others entities in the society. The result is the construction of a new model for the institute, aiming on effecting the protection of rights concerning to private life


habeas data effectivness habeas data acesso à justiÃa access to justice teoria geral do processo efetividade

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