Redução da biocarga e garantia de esterilidade em implantes mamários de silicone / Bioburden reduction and sterility assurance in silicone gel breast implants




Silicone breast implants consist of biomaterials widely used in breast reconstitution surgeries after the occurrence of cancer, accidents, breast size correction (in case of different volume between both breasts)or in mammary augmentation for esthetic reasons. With a view to confer security in its application, directly related to patients health, great attention has been given to sterilization processes applied to biomaterials. Among these, dry heat is one of the most often employed. For a successful sterilization, it requires high temperatures for a long period, what may give rise to alteration of the implant characteristics. On the other hand, a preliminary stage of the implant production process is vulcanization, which consists of heating the implant to 165 ± 5°C for approximately 9 hours. Taking into account the time and temperature used in this stage, the aim of this work was to evaluate the bioburden of silicone breast implants prior to the vulcanization process and the decline in bioburden due to this process, and to confirm the sterility of the gel contained in the membrane. This study led us to the conclusion that the level of microbial contamination of gel implants is relatively low, and that vulcanization allowed for the inactivation of up to 100 million spores, the highest concentration of spores used in this study. The results obtained showed that vulcanization enabled not only the reduction of the microbial load, but also guaranteed the sterility of the gel inside the product. Thus, the final sterilizing process contributed to an increase in the Sterility Assurance Level, an interesting phenomenon if we consider the tendency toward adoption of parametric release and the concept of a combined validation bioburden/biological indicator rather than overkill. Complement evaluation was made measuring endotoxins in the implants before and after the sterilization process (dry heat and ethylene oxide), verifying that the considered processes do not modify the amount of endotoxin significantly, as expectation. Still thus, in all the situations had been gotten acceptable levels, as USP 31.


bioburden biomateriais biomaterials dry heat vulcanização biocarga implante mamário silicone breast implant sterilization esterilização silicone vulcanization calor seco

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