The World-wide Declaration of Education for All, Jomtien - Thailand (1990), consisted in the base to substantiate the education as a human right, that must be guaranteed for the reduction of the educational and social inequalities. On the same direction, the Declaration of Salamanca (1994) substantiates the inclusion in the school of the presenting diversities considering a new terminology for this process: special education needs. The educational legislation in Brazil defines and determines the educational inclusion of children with disabilities of the Leis de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional , LDBEN n 9394/96, that it is sufficiently clear in relation to the hearing deficiencies, visual, physical and high abilities, however the low is not precise with the deficiencies that need special attention to be realized like cognitive disorder. The objective of this dissertation is to discuss about this issue, in special the difficulties caused for the Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - ADHD. This disorder is a serious and complex problem that is not restricted to the most obvious symptoms such as fidget, agitation and aggressiveness, that most of the time it is confused with, in society and the school, with behaviors related to the lack of education and lack of limits, making responsible the parents for the diversion of conduct. There are a significant number of students, calls of special citizens, in school age, who present the ADHD and, due to an absence of a competent evaluation, these students are misunderstood and set aside by the school and the teacher. In this form, the research had as generality objective to analyze the existing perspectives in the current education process, in attending about ADHD and, more specify, in the system of education. In conclusion, the ADHD will be better understood in the school, it is necessary, as in this study, to open a discussion on the context of Special Education so that build it a political attitude always more preoccupied attending the diversities, in the search of equity in the Brazilian teaching. The methodology of the inquiry is based on bibliographical study on the history of Education and the public education politics on Brazil, on qualitative inquiry with interviews, semi-structured openings, with persons who have ADHD, their relatives and professionals who work straightly or indirectly with the ADHD.


educacao transtorno de déficit de atenção políticas públicas educacionais educação especial special education attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder educational public politics hiperatividade

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