Os tratados de proteção de investiemtnos e as restrições aos fluxos de capitais internacionais para o setor produtivo




The current work analyzes relevant aspects of the protection for foreign investments and the process of globalization that has been changing the world economy. In this context, direct foreign investment DFI has been growing more rapidly, on a world scale, than production or commerce. Due to the rise of DFI, investments have become a determinative factor of the degree of development of many countries. Negotiations regarding the protection of investments are still in an initial phase. Furthermore, there is no consensus on a future common document regarding this topic, despite negotiations undertaken by international and regional organizations. It is important to highlight that in an increasingly growing world economy, investment protection treaties and conventions can constitute an important attraction tool for investments and international cooperation


globalização investment protection globalization conventions direito internacional privado convenções e tratados de proteção de investimentos organizações internacionais e regionais acordos and protection investment treaties investimentos - proteção acordos internacionais - tratados - fluxo de capitais international and regional organizations proteção de investimentos

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