Os saberes cotidianos de alunos nas aulas de educação fisica : implicações para a pratica pedagogica / Student´s daily knowledge at physical education classes : its implications for pedagogical practice




The research has sought the understandings of a Physical Education teacher on the daily knowledge of her students concerning a bodily culture of movement, aiming to comprehend the ways how the professional dealt with and gained access to such knowledge in her class context; that in order to reach the reasons governing the configuration of her pedagogic practice. A study of qualitative character, of ethnographic perspective based on the presupposition of dense description , was chosen. Forty classes were observed, twenty of which taught to a first-grade group, and the other half to second-graders. The ethnographic research was carried on during three months, between April and June 2007, in a São Paulo State public school in the city of Campinas. Following the observation of the classes, two semi-structured interviews with the teacher were made - both in the same environment where the research was carried on. The first sought to reach the understandings of the teacher on the specificity of Physical Education; on the students, the classes and its contents, as well as the students daily knowledge. The second was focused on the biographic route of the teacher, aiming to trace a brief profile of her process of personal and professional training. Among the more expressive aspects which were achieved, it was specially noted the understanding, by the teacher, that the students daily knowledge would trigger conflictive situations, thus bearing a negative character to the class context. Added to such an understanding, a lack of planning, a lack of pedagogical orientation and a difficulty to comprehend the specificity of Physical Education at school were also decisive factors for not gaining access to the students daily knowledge. Nevertheless, the various types of knowledge, the several conceptions and understandings by the children were constantly revealed during the observations. The non-appropriation of the daily knowledge appeared as one of the main factors to influence the resistance of a group of students towards participating on the proposed activities. It was also highlighted the understanding, by the teacher, that such several types of knowledge would generate unequal relations due to the existence of many different levels of ability among the children. Such an understanding would hamper the teacher s progress concerning the attempt to use pedagogical practices to problematise the conflictive situations generated during the plays and games proposed by her, which lead to the abandonment of such activities in the class context. From the research, it was considered that access to the daily knowledge, harboured in the transgressions and comparisons that are constantly made by the students in class, may be a profitable didactical-pedagogic strategy to transform the context of Physical Education class, making it more attractive and a motivator for learning on the different bodily practices which compose the bodily culture of movement


common sense pratica pedagogica pedagogical practice senso comum school physical education educação fisica escolar

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