Physical education in the medium school : the student´s representation / Educação fisica no ensino medio : representações dos alunos




The present study aims to identify the representations of Physical Education classes adopted by the students in Medium School. Because of this interest and to understand how these representations are built, I decided to make an ethnographic research, once it allows a deep view about the school universe and, as a consequence, providing a closer analysis on the subject. In order to give a theoretical support to the identification of how these representations are built, I studied some authors who discuss questions related to society, culture and school. This option was due to the comprehension that school, being part of the cultural system, is influenced in its actions by what happens in this culture, taking the students in this environment to make their constructions bound to social and cultural issues. To answer to this question, the research was divided in the following way: the first chapter describes how my life path is directly related to the appearance of questions concerning school. In the second one, I write about the incursion into school besides the way to find the subjects for the research and I discuss how my presence in the field work allowed the appearance of some questions that I consider as influences over students thought. Next chapter is an attempt to establish how the kind of knowledge that exists inside school can influence students concerning their creation of representations about the school and the world. In the fourth chapter I discuss the Medium School and Physical Education, and the center of interest is in the delimitation of what this teaching level is and how it is seen by students, besides the role that Physical Education represents in this level. In the last chapter, that discusses the everyday of Physical Education classes, I indicate how young people express their interests about their classes in order to elucidate their representation about these issues. I finish the reflections with an analysis of the students representations about the classes and their implications and perspectives, indicating the importance of the external and internal influences in the process of building these social representations


cultura culture school physical education physical education escola social representation educação fisica educação fisica escolar representação social

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