Obstáculos à aprendizagem de conceitos algébricos no ensino fundamental: uma tentativa de aproximação entre os obstáculos epistemológicos e a teoria dos campos conceituais / Learning obstacles involved in the learning of algebraic concepts in elementary school: an attempt approach between epistemological obstacles and theory of conceptual fields.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The aim of this study is to examine obstacles and understand difficulties involved in the learning of Algebra in elementary school. The work consists in a review of the academic production and theoretical studies concerning the construction of the idea of obstacles, difficulties and errors in the learning of Mathematics in Brazil and overseas. The analyses of the studies revealed that a high level of errors made by students in elementary school in some countries, such as England and the United States, on mathematical problems related to Algebra, are close to the Brazilian reality, as shown by the data of the last report provided by INEP (National Institute of Studies and Research). Also an empirical study was applied among students in the 9th grade of elementary school, all from public schools of Sao Paulo. The questions applied in this study have been adapted from SARESP (System for Evaluation of Educational Achievement of Sao Paulo). For analysis purposes, the obstacles encountered were classified from the perspective of four categories (Epistemological, Educational, Psychological and Ontogenetic) defined by Guy Brousseau for teaching mathematics in addition to the conceptual aspect in the field of cognitive functioning of \"subject in a situation\", whose bases are arisen and extended from Piaget\ s theory of logical operations and the general structures of thought, known as Theory of Conceptual Fields (Vergnaud, 1990). This study also treats with knowledge-in-action and their influence on the learning of Algebra, what are theorems-in-action and operative invariants in addition to showing the function of schemes. Thus it was possible to offer some indications for teachers and helping them to understand difficulties and obstacles involving in the learning of Algebra. In addition, it is relevant to keep in mind that a long term and careful tracking of their students must be required. In that way, it is possible to infer answers involving obstacles on the epistemological and psychological aspects, as defined by Vergnaud (1994).


teoria dos campos conceituais theory of conceptual fields algebra Álgebra elementary school ensino fundamental epistemological obstacles learning obstacles obstáculos de aprendizagem obstáculos epistemológicos

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