Influência dos polimorfismos do receptor de leptina e o impacto da dieta e treinamento físico sobre as variáveis antropométricas,  metabólicas e neurovasculares em mulheres obesas / Influence of leptin polymorphisms and the impact f diet and exercise training on the anthropometric, metabolic, neurovascular and hemodynamic variables in obese women




Leptin is an important component of a complex physiological system that contributes to the regulation of the organic energy balance. Leptin plasmatic concentration or mRNA quantities are positive related to gender, caloric intake, BMI and fat mass. Energy expenditure can be altered by leptin action through the nervous sympathetic stimulus. Leptin acts via its specific receptor. These receptor presents heterogeneity in human population, with natural occurrences of polymorphisms that codify to different proteins. Mutations in gene receptor can modify the leptin level and consequently its action. This suggests that the polymorphism of leptin receptor could contribute to the relation of obesity and cardiovascular disease, and the sympathetic nervous system is involved in this process. In this study we evaluate the relation between allelic variants of leptin receptor gene with changes in corporal composition, metabolic, neurovascular and hemodynamic variables in obese women, before and after a life style change program. The main result of this investigation is that the women that carrier a polymorphism in codon 223, with mutation of glicina to arginina presented higher fat mass than the other polymorphisms. There are no differences in the other antropometric, metabolic, neurovascular and hemodynamic variables in this codon. All the studied variables were similar between the genetic forms 109 and 656. As expected, the life style changes positive impact in some of the anthropometric, metabolic, neurovascular and hemodynamic variables, but the allelic variants did not alter these variables. In conclusion, the data presented permit us to say that the Gln223Arg/Arg223Arg polymorphism influences the fat mass gain in obese women. However, after four months of exercise training and diet, this difference in fat mass gain did not keep, wich can be atributted to the improvement in the leptin resistence and the weigh loss, which occurred in our population


receptor de leptina leptin receptor obesidade obesity polimorfismos polymorphism

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