Courses of continuous formation for teachers who act in youth and adult education / Cursos de formação continuada para professores que atuam em educação de jovens e adultos




The aim of this study is to investigate the vision that coordinators, formative teachers and participant teachers express on two courses of Continuous Formation for teachers of Youth and Adult Education (EJA), accomplished in a city of Greater São Paulo area, from 2000 to 2004, in the teaching post-municipalization period. The data collection was accomplished from 2004 to 2005, through methodological procedures which included: a) accomplishment of interviews (aided by a built and tested script) with 01 professional from the Municipal Secretary of Education, responsible for the coordination of the Courses, 02 active formative teachers in the Courses and 12 from 60 teachers of Youth and Adult Education that participated in the courses; and b) accomplishment of documental analysis involving the current legislation of the Youth and Adult Education in Brazil and specific documentation produced for and by the formative and participant teachers of the target courses of this study. The obtained data were organized in synthesis tables and analyzed according to the theoretical reference offered by authors that study the school in its relationship with the social structure and the culture (Pérez Gómez); authors that study the relationships between teachers initial and continuous formation and school environment (Nóvoa, Huberman, Zeichner, Marin, Mizukami, Candau, Giovanni) and authors that study the subjects related to Youth and Adult Education (Arroyo, Soares and Ribeiro). The results reveal that there are basic aspects of the Courses, currently mentioned in the interviews and documents that, when opposed to the reality of the Youth and Adult Education classes and their students and teachers needs, sometimes are considered positive, sometimes negative by the interviewed professionals. In other words, the accomplished dynamics and activities, the change of experiences among the participant teachers, the moments of reflection, the accomplished readings, the offered theory and practice, the dealt contents, the materials and equipments used, the organization and use of the time and the spaces used in the Courses, the group works, the performance of the formative teachers - they are not considered absolute elements in the evaluation of the Courses. Because of that, the analysis of that group of the different professionals opinions involved in the Courses allows us to compose a table of essential information to rethink new actions of that nature


educação de jovens e adultos formação continuada de professores youth and adult education professores -- formacao profissional teachers continuous formation educacao de adultos educacao continuada

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