Behavior of conventional glass fibers in matrix of Portland cement modified with latex and with the addition of silica fume. / Comportamento das fibras de vidro convencionais em matriz de cimento Portland modificada com látex e adição de sílica ativa.




Portland cement mortar and concrete are durable building materials, relatively cheap and, despite they display a good rigidity and an adequate compressive strength, they have other deficient properties such as tensile strength, impact, fatigue, beyond low toughness and ductility. A considerable improvement of these properties can be obtained adding fibers, in adequate quantities, in the composition of the materials. The use of conventional glass fiber (E-glass) in the reinforcement of Portland cement mortar can be possible if the attack of the alkaline environment, produced by cement hydration (chiefly by calcium hydroxide), to the fiber is controlled. In this work, a lesser intensity of alkaline attack on the E-glass fibers was succeded through the modification of the Portland cement matrix by styrene butadiene latex, the addition of silica fume or through the utilization of both additives at the same time. Another proceeding, aiming at a greater durability of the E-glass, has been the protection of the fiber surface with a styrene butadiene latex coating or with a mixture of this same latex and silica fume. The efficiency of each proceeding was verified by the comparison of tensile strength and flexural strength in samples submitted to accelerate and conventional hydration processes and by the observation of the interface glass/matrix with optical microscopy.


eglass alkalinity corrosão fibre alcalinidade grc dry wall fibra corrosion

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