Avaliação do comportamento de pastas de gesso com cimento portland e silica ativa para revestimento




The growing use of plaster in the constructions has been a practical and economical alternative. The plaster has the advantage of to harden quickly and to provide a fme fmish, but limited to the internal use due to its water sensibility. In other hand, Portland cement is a hydraulic binder and have an excellent behaviour in water. Besides that, silica fume improves its properties. So, the aim of this work was to observe the properties of pastes made from the mixture of plaster-Portland cement-silica fume in concrete block walls. These pastes were submitted to two kinds of expositions: internal and external walls. These pastes were submitted to several tests: physical, chemical and physico-chemical. From these results it was observed that the addition of silica fume diminished the ettringite formation in the walls subjected to humidity. The plaster-Portland cement had the abrasion resistance improved and the weight loss was also diminished. The panels are until now with the same aspects-from the fIrst day of the paste application and there were not observed cracks on them. In this way, its is possible to conclude that the mixture of plaster and Portland cement can be a reality


revestimentos gipsita cimento portland gesso

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