Work and lack of work: narratives of young people enrolled in the Bolsa Trabalho Program in São Paulo City. / O trabalho e a sua ausência: narrativas de jovens do Programa Bolsa Trabalho no município de São Paulo.




The purpose of this thesis is to understand the ways young men and women enrolled in a public program in the city of São Paulo (Bolsa Trabalho Program) live and give meaning to the experience of work and lack of work, as well as how they perceive the category unemployment. Additionally, the research also investigates the effects and the meanings of the program in these young adults school and professional trajectories. In Brazil, especially from the beginning of the years 2000, themes related to employment, particularly unemployment, have been approaching the ones related to youth, demanding the creation of public policies by the State. In this context, the program investigated in this research, carried out by São Paulo city administration from 2001 to 2004, stated a specific strategy to cope with the increasing rates of youth unemployment: to withdraw these individuals from job hunting or to postpone their entering in the workforce, by granting them financial aid and stimulating them to go back or to stay in school, besides offering them educational activities. The research is part of studies about youth and its inter-relation with work, family and school, considering the transformations of these institutions which are important to the construction of the youth itself in modern society and to the process of socialization of the individuals. As for theoretical background, the concept of configuration developed by Norbert Elias, as well as the concepts of support by Danilo Martuccelli and individual by François Dubet are used in part of the analysis of the categories youth and unemployment, as well as for the analysis of the interviews. The research adopts the qualitative methodology, using open and in-depth interviews, based on a semi-structured interview script. The field work was carried out from 2005 to 2006, when 7 policy-makers and 38 young people who had participated in the program for at least a year - ages varying from 19 to 23 as well as some parents, were interviewed. The narratives show the diversity of trajectories and meanings that underprivileged young people give to work and to lack of work, or to work and its absence, always considering the inter-relation with school and family environments.


unemployment ações públicas juventude trabalho desemprego educação education youth work public policies são paulo são paulo

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