Women professional school: socials and cultures reproductions seamed through popular education (1935-1983) / Escola Profissional Feminina de Florianópolis : reproduções sociais e culturais "costuradas" pela educação popular (1935-1983)




This research approaches an exploratory study, in the scope of History and Sociology of Education, aiming to investigate the Women Professional School in the context of the city of Florianópolis, in the period of 1935 to 1983. The concepts of habitus and reproduction were first presented by Pierre Bourdieu s Theory. A special theoretical background was also grounded upon Historians as Otaíza de Oliveira Romanelli, in the field of Brazilian Education History, and Zoraide Rocha de Freitas, in the field of the Professional Teaching History. Besides of the dialectic research method, which gave a general orientation for knowing and interacting with a delimitated social reality, the following approaches were also used: non-directive or semi structured interviews; statistical data collection (application/questionnaire); and documental data collection (transcript records) within public civil institutions and at the target school, and the participant observation. It was verified that this school was founded and operated as a cultural and social representation and reproduction of popular classes, as a result of the implantation of a dualist teaching system that reinforced class and gender inequality. Nevertheless, an incongruity was observed between the political discourse, the popular education implementation and this women professional school reality, when the attending population was verified to be also from higher classes as middle and elite. In this context, the experiences carried out were incorporated from work and a bourgeois women habitus- in which was characterized by a women raising aiming marriage and domestic homemaking, but that also interacted with private and public sectors, by doing self-employed work as dressmakers, embroiderers, and so on, in such a way allowing a socialization process and the social rising, besides of the maintenance of the women model. A comparative consideration was also established between the women professional school and the Superior school of Fashion, in such a way that there was an interface with fashion through the production and reproduction of clothing. Consequently, the history of education of Brazil was amplified, as it has been studied by many research centers throughout the years, promoting historical records of the education in the state of Santa Catarina. Further studies on this subject are important to follow, since it may open paths to study other women professional schools of the state in which were not investigated yet, and that preserve this state educational memory and built up historical knowledge


história da educação educacao women education and production of clothing. ensino profissional educação feminina mulheres history of education formação feminina e produção do vestuário ensino profissional florianópolis (sc)história

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