Who is black in Brazil : a discourse article analysis about the adoption of "quotas" in public universities / Quem e negro no Brasil? : uma analise discursiva de artigos que versam sobre a adoção de "cotas" em universidades publicas




When declaring that "Brazilian has the preconception to not have preconception", Florestan Fernandes synthecizes the idea of the ideology about the called racial democracy ,it hide the reality of the social relations in Brazil: this research go, therefore, in view of the description-social context in which it began the debate concerning the question of the national identity, to verify if the raciological, deterministics and positivistics theories developed at that moment still they are placed in circulation in the national society. The analysis object is the "Politics of Affirmative Action" that defend the adoption of quotas for "blacks" in public universities. The corpus is constituted of articles of the section "Tendências e Debates" of the Folha de S. Paulo newspaper on this subject, published between the years of 2001 and 2006. The theoretical and epistemological picture in which I base my research is the Discourse Analysis. The research aims at to understand of that way the "black" is meant in the related Politics of Affirmative Action, affecting his historically place in set of the national society and promoting new forms of civility. I intend with this to contribute with the quarrels of the Thematic Project CAeL (Processo Fapesp No.. 2004/07734-0), showing witch way certain mechanisms of segregation continue effective in the quarrels on the "racial democracy" and the public politics formulated to promote it


brazil public politics of affirmative action identidade nacional análise do discurso racial democracy politicas publicas de ação afirmativa democracia racial nacional identity discourse analysis

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