Ações afirmativas nas universidades públicas: aportes necessários ao debate da política de cotas / Affirmative action in state universities: contributions to the debate on quota policies




The present study, besides offering a varied number of statistical data, emphasizes the theory and interpretation found in selected sources, aiming at a contribution for a comprehensive debate on the theme of the quota policy in Brazilian public universities, based on reflections about the issues of inequality, human rights, and the significance of the public sphere for democracy in our country. This study is based on the idea that only having these elements in perspective it is possible to transcend the conceptual minimalism that pervades the majority of the reflections upon this theme. The debate on the quota policy is a recent one in Brazil, however, this is not the reason for its increased fragility. We understand that the historical annihilation of the true sense, of the meaning of the social course of action, as well as the public sphere and the issue of having access to rights in the Brazilian society, originate the sort of misunderstandings that end up being favorable to the upkeep of elitist/discriminatory ways in our society. These ways finally deny historical possibilities conquered by the lower classes in their fights. The quota policy is defined here as State policy, not limited to a debate of supporting or opposing affirmative actions, which already exist significantly and need to be considered, as they were part of the project of reform in universities and later in specific projects at the National Congress, generating a great deal of controversy. This study comes from professional concern and aims at revealing the significance of the main points in this debate and the historical background of its origins and development; it offers those who work, study, and experience this situation, the kind of support they need in order to have a comprehensive understanding of this scenario. The main interest in this study, according to its object and the method used to build it, transcends the scope of educators, making it relevant to social workers, historians, sociologists, attorneys at law, political scientists and analysts of Brazilian collective characteristics.


public universities universidade pública ensino superior aspectos sociais programas de ação afirmativa affirmative action política de cotas servico social quota policy ação afirmativa

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