Water pricing optimization for demand management in long-term scenarios / Otimização da cobrança pelo uso da água para a gestão da demanda hídrica em cenários de longo prazo




Water pricing is a water resources management tool according to brazilian law 9433/97 and it serves the purpose of giving incentive to rational use of water, among others. However, studies and simulations treat pricing as a revenue generator mechanism only. This dissertation aims to propose water unit prices based on demand reduction needs in the Tietê-Jacaré basin, Brazil. In order to do it, it uses demand and supply scenarios for 2010, 2025 and 2050 developed by Macêdo (2005), whose estimates are also slightly improved here. Econometric models are used to model the relationship between pricing and demand and they are adapted from other basins, mainly the Paraíba do Sul one. All this serves as base for an optimization algorithm, which is used to propose changes in water pricing policy, leading to the attainment of water stress reduction goals in the future.


preço unitário comitê de bacias unit price price elasticity recursos hídricos rationalization watershed comitee water resources elasticidade-preço racionalização

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