Drenagem urbana sob cenários de longo prazo visando incentivos ambientais / Urban drainage in long term scenarios subsidizing environmental incentives




This research discussed the study of regional scenarios of urban drainage of the main sub-basins belonging to the urban area of San Carlos/SP and the application of environmental incentives in lot scale. The projections of time made are related to changes of use and occupation of land for the years of 2025, 2050, 2075 and 2100. The scenarios of use and occupation of land are based on the studies concerning the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (Global Orchestration, Order from Strength, Adapting Mosaic and TechnoGarden) and its appropriateness in the local scale, to urban macrodrainage, proposed by Mendiondo (2005). The rainfall events used in the simulations of scenarios were selected for the conditions of background humidity. For the proposed scenarios have been evaluated changes in the hydrological and hydraulic systems through remain curves in some points along the top part of sub-basin of Monjolinho. Still, in scale of lot, is proposed a methodology for environmental incentives based on the potential for water storage in the lot and the maximum instantaneous flow for each scenario studied. The proposed methodology of environmental incentive appears to be the simple application by public agencies and quickly get the results. Although the proposed scenarios are fictitious, the estimated costs (R$/M POT.2) are applicable to current conditions.


drenagem urbana environmental incentives long term scenarios cenários de longo prazo urban drainage incentivos ambientais

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