Water management in buildings : formulation of guidelines for the reuse water non potable / Gestão de agua em edificações : formulação de diretrizes para o reuso de agua para fins não potaveis




Various measures to conserve water have been taken to minimize water consumption, using this input for sustainable and rational way, and protect water resources from pollution through the generation of lower quantity of sewage. Among the lines of action programs for water conservation in buildings, is the use of alternative sources to the public in activities that can disperse the drinking. However, for this reason it is necessary to know the various uses of water within a building and determine where you can use this input, based on a management plan. This paper proposes a set of guidelines for reuse of non-potable water in buildings, taking into account the risks incurred by using this technique. The research method was based on exploratory case study, a phenomenological, with two sources of evidence: direct observation and interview. The motivating factor is the work of the subsidy guidelines for the replacement of drinking water by treated effluent, to reduce the consumption of the building. The work had two case studies, one in an existing building and the other in design, occurring in two distinct phases: construction and characterization of the demand for non-drinking water and characterization of alternative sources of supply and assessment of the costs involved for deployment of the system for reuse of water. We performed the analysis of the studies and proposed guidelines for reuse of non-potable water, within the contexts studied. The guidelines are formulated based on the complexity of actions involving the deployment of the system for reuse, there is a need to establish codes of practice and standards to implement the system


plumbing systems agua - reutilização water reuse buildings instalações hidraulicas e sanitarias water consumption edificações Água - consumo

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