Wash wound with blood the honor: crimes of passion in Salvador (1890-1940). / Lavar com sangue a honra ferida: os crimes passionais em Salvador (1890-1940).




The aim of this Work is to examine in which ways the passional crimes related to couples with love or sexual ties in Salvador/Bahia between 1890-1940 were representative of such society. It is also to identify conceptions of gender that were intrinsic to that society and their influence on the crimes studied. In order to reach the true passional dramas, the process-crimes were selected and studied based on their love and sexual ties. Since journalistic texts are representative discourses of that society, they were used to subsidize the criminal investigation and understand the crimes themselves. These texts gave support to the reconstruction of the daily experiences of Salvadors inhabitants by the time of the passional crimes. Juridical papers and the position of forensic agents from that time were also studied and this investigation made it possible to reorganize the speeches that occurred in court and their relation to the society in general. As a juridical creation of a cultural pratice, the passional crime in its essence was so present in Salvador s society that, little by little, this society accepted passion as an excuse for these criminal acts.


crime passional passional crimes ciencias sociais aplicadas gênero campo camp gender

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