Vulnerability to type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease in relatives of diabetic patients / Vulnerabilidade ao diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e Ãs doenÃas cardiovasculares em familiares de pacientes diabÃticos


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Considering that family history involves modifiable and not modifiable risk factors, it is assumed that besides genetics, behavioral factors in day-to-day family dynamics contributes to increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Through the description of the set of dimensions involved in health-disease process of these illnesses, we aimed to sensitize and strengthen the work of family health teams in their day-to-day activities. Thus, this study of transversal character, was carried through in 58% of the relatives of 124 T2DM patients who were taken care of in a public unit of primary care in the city of Fortaleza/CE. The sample was evaluated through a inquiry, having used a structuralized form, physical and laboratories examinations. Of the familiar ones interviewed, 32.8% were children and adolescents, among adults (above of 18 years) 45.3% were men. In the population over 18 years, it was found in the womenÂs group, high prevalence of sedentary lifestyle (94.7%), abdominal adiposity (51.1%), peripheral obesity (23.4%), alcoholism (15.8%) and high lifetime total pack-years (14.7 packs/year). It was precisely variables as obesity peripheral (p = 0.003), overweight (p = 0.01) and central obesity (p = 0.01) which presented significant correlation with the stratification of risk for the development of T2DM, even after adjusting for sex and age. The elderly showed the largest global cardiovascular risk, being affected upon primarily by glicemic impairment (100%) and hypertension (64.7%), in which most who had hypertension was diagnosed during the study (63.7%). Family members reported having arterial pressures measures (52.6%) and having received a recommendation of health professionals to conduct examinations of fasting blood glucose and lipids (48.5%), despite of it, we found high prevalence of underdiagnosed diseases such as prevalence of T2DM was 12.8% (6%), being 1.6 (1) of pre-diagnosed diabetes and 11.2% (5) of newly diagnosed by the research. The lack of interest and motivation in adopting auto protecting practices to transform attitudes, was not related to the unfamiliarity of factors or behaviors considered at risk, since the most known risk factor for the development of T2DM was "eating sweets" (83.1%), followed by "being overweighted" (73.8%) and "having a family member with diabetes" (67.7%). The majority of subjects pointed to doing physical exercises (67.7%) as a "protector" and "eating pasta" was not considered by the sample as a risk factor for T2DM. By identifying important vulnerability and prevalence of risk factors on family members of patients with T2DM, the results point to the need of professional health linked to Family Health Strategy to adapt their practice as well as enhance the measures of primary and secondary prevention adopted nowadays, with a view of containing the epidemic advance of cardiometabolic diseases


saude publica diabetes mellitus tipo 2 doenÃas cardiovasculares vulnerabilidade em saÃde

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