Você gostaria de participar de uma experiência artística? (+ NBP) / Você gostaria de participar de uma experiência artística? (+ NBP)




On this Thesis, I elaborate an investigation about Would you like to participate in an artistic experience?, a project of mine under development since 1994. This project involves aspects of participatory practices, issues on sculpture and installation, and an approach towards the art circuit. The research is developed in two complementary parts: firstly, the notion of Künstlertheorie or artists theory is established, as an working procedure that involves at the same time the production of texts and artworks, articulating theory and practice from the standard of a plastic-discursive rotation system; secondly, it is elaborated what might be considered the theory of the Would you like to participate in an artistic experience? project, with the use of the socalled artists writing. A new narrative is brought forward, with the use of several preexisting writings, articulating visual and discursive forms. As a result, a text is produced, one that is inscribed as artists theory (Künstlertheorie); at the same time, it inquires about the possibilities of its functioning as a work of art.


contemporary art escultura sculpture práticas participativas artista como agente cultural teoria de artista artists theory participatory practices arte contemporânea artist as cultural agent

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