Viver a dois à uma arte? : um estudo antropolÃgico da homoconjugalidade masculina na RegiÃo Metropolitana do Recife / Viver a dois à uma arte? : um estudo antropolÃgico da homoconjugalidade masculina na RegiÃo Metropolitana do Recife




This dissertation has for objective to understand the aspects of the daily life the two, which the homosexuals of the Region Metropolitan of Recife construct in its relations. This study it also to analyze as these homosexuals see the social recognition of this relation from the interactions that the couple establishes with the familiar neighbors, friends and. For such, a qualitative research through visits carried through in the residences of the homosexual couple was used. In the perspective to deepen some questions perceived during the first impressions collected in my relation with the couplesâ interviews half-structuralized with one of the members of couple had been used. Immersed in this universe of directions, the diverse actors who participate of the debate regarding the ideas concerning a lasting relationship between people of the same sex had finished bringing for the center of the quarrel values, meanings and representations on the homosexuality in the social context. In intention to base these speeches and representations, one became fulfilled one brief revision of the main theoretical boarding concerning the homosexuality and conjugalidade and that relations are established between these two aspects in the daily life of the citizens. Finally, the study presented search here to understand a little of the daily arrangements and sociabilities undertaken for the homosexuals in the constitution of conjugal relations between people of the same sex


famÃlia homosexuality enamoramento family conjugality recognition to fall in love with antropologia homossexualidade conjugalidade reconhecimento

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