Visões do agregado em Machado de Assis




In the romances from Machado de Assis the agregado appear quite often. Agregado is denomination for the free poor man who was forced to live under a Masters protection. At the19th century Brazilian society, the slavery and mocultural system of production take from the free poor man all the possibilities he had to get integrated to the productive system. As a consequence the free poor man could not afford his own expenses; also he was unprotected by State once that the political system was dominated by the lands owners oligarchies. His only alternative to survive was to be linked to those powerful men. The autonomy of the agregado was null. However, he lived quite close from the Masters; close enough to share his familiar life. By on hand the agregado was considerated as someone close to the master who he was liked, by the other hand he was his social status was debased. This double situation allowed the agregado to lead the live in a several different ways. He never acted directly against his masters wishes, but he tried to manipulated the situations in order to guarantee a bigger autonomy. The racialist theories from that time took the humanity from these kind of people. When Machado de Assis showed the manipulations capacity of the agregado he allowed this character to have a soul: his not a blind animal any more, but someone who fights to keep his own identity. In spite of the existence of a strong hierarchy at the Brazilian society the society still dynamic. Machado de Assis was able to revel this situation. That happens at his romances, that is not different at the real life.


pensamento social brasileiro cultura do favor literatura sociologia

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