Violência urbana na atualidade : as interfaces entre violência e consumo à luz da psicanálise / Urban violence in the present: interfaces between violence and consumpition regarding the concept of psychoanalysis




The aim of this study is the phenomenon of violence without taking it from the perspective of social inequality or hatred for others, but taking into account the influence of suffering on the marketing appeal backed capitalist logic focused on the exercise of consumption. Having to consume the news, make up as a social function in so far as to be accepted socially that we have entered the market logic that supports them in their major ideology: consume and do not stop consuming! The violence, while contemporary phenomenon, can be studied from the psychoanalysis, in that, for Freud (1930), social existence is not something on the order of nature, but because of the constant work and endless submission of the pleasure principle , primary human inclination, the conditions of interaction between individuals. Currently, the logic behind social existence is eclipsed by the discourse of capitalism in which the individual is required to keep consuming and desiring to establish itself as a love object of another, and thus be able to be inserted in the society. The violence, which is consistent with the way they organized the capitalist society, is taken as a result of an immediate and unrestrained desire to be able to consume all that is possible. Psychoanalysis helps the understanding in a subjective context, in regard to the psychological origins of violence. The psychoanalytic knowledge helps us to monitor the unfolding of subjective problems we put to work as a dialogue with Freud s thought is the theoretical basis that guides us. This research proposes a theoretical exploration and this is a relevant research as it is directly related to acute social problems that dominate the Brazilian nation, allowing the production of knowledge in psychology on the topic presented. Keywords: Violence, Discourse of capitalism, consumption, Psychoanalysis


violÊncia - aspectos psicolÓgicos - dissertaÇÕes tratamento e prevencao psicologica psicanÁlise - dissertaÇÕes consumo (economia) - dissertaÇÕes

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