Psychoanalysis and Criminal Justice: questions and positions on a clinic service to domestic violence / Psicanálise e justiça criminal: questões e posicionamentos sobre uma clínica da violência doméstica




This paper presents speeches and reflections on implementation and development of a psychological clinic service to families in domestic violence situation users of JECRIFAM, institution of the Court of the Criminal Justice, in São Paulo. This service has been developed in a pilot-project model, based on a political State articulation. The research and this service are based on Lacans psychoanalytic propositions. The reflection on path (way) gives recourses to debate some of the clinic listening device limits and potentials in Court of the Criminal Justice context, especially about domestic violence. This debate has a central question: Which listening fits on this context? (or: Which listening belongs to its context?) Parts of some cases are presented. A fields better understanding is also presented: the meeting to others institutional agents, the statistics and some questions about the citizen approaches to the Court of the Criminal Justice. There is a short debate on the psychoanalysis possible contributions on the contingencies of the exercise of citizenship rights, based on these presentations.


psychoanalysis violência na família direito criminal psicanálise criminal law family violence

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