Violence and use of psychoactive substances: a study with women users of the basic health service in São Paulo, Brazil / Violência e uso de substâncias psicoativas: um estudo com mulheres usuárias de um serviço de Atenção Primária à Saúde de São Paulo




The interpersonal violence,in a peculiar way, affects women and is perpretated mainly by their close companions, among the factors associated with episodes of violence from close companions we find the consumption of alcohol and forbidden drugs. Many studies have reinforced the association of the consumption of psychoactive substances by the close companion (alcohol and forbidden drugs) with violent situations towards the female companion,however,the feminine use and its influence is still little explored.The raised consumption of medicines (anfetamines,antdepressants and tranquilizers) by then women who suffered any violence is highlighted, yet being discussed weather the feminine use of medicines as much as forbidden drugs and/or alcohol would be agents that would increase the risk of violent episodes or it would be a way to deal with the violence suffered through life. Therefore, there has been an epidemiologic study covering 435 women users of a health service, aiming a descriptive analyse from the violent occurrence (sexual, physical and psychological) perpretaded by the partner against the woman and possible linkages with the use of alcohol and drugs among the partners and women under this study,including the medicines the women take. The results lead to the fact that the women follow the profile of the general population,however, with a higher frequency in relation to the self -reffered ethnies: black and half breed, number of informal relationships and scholar average. Dispite the differences statistically meaningful found in relation to the abuse of alcohol and/or other drugs by the partners and the use of cannabis along with some medicines (to calm down and ease down the sorrow) by the interviewed women, it is still necessary other studies which could go deeper into the sense of this relation,mainly among the people with the profile of the general population or in the basic health services


substance related disorders atenção primária à saúde violência contra a mulher primary health care street drugs transtornos relacionados ao uso de substâncias drogas ilícitas bebidas alcoólicas drug utilization uso de medicamentos alcoholic beverages violência against women

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