VIDAS ENTRE A MARÉ E O ESTADO: educação, ambientalismo e política / LIVES BETWEEN THE TIDE AND THE STATE: education, environmentalism and politics.




Taking education as critical discussion of the set of beliefs and values that guides the socialization models in the formation of citizens of an specific State, it is intended in this paper, developed from specific public order, namely, the problem created by the presence of small scale shrimp farmers in a Permanent Protection Area at Vaza-Barris estuary in Sergipe state, to put in doubt the effectiveness and the implications of educational practices which have as background the education for sustainability. In order to do so, we started from the presupposition that Environmental Education is a product of a complex net of relations and, this way, cannot be discussed, without taking into consideration the several theoretical-political-methodological perspectives which orientate the practices, including the discursive ones. In relation to methodology, the ethnographic perspective adopted was the best strategy, because from it we could look at and interpret the social dynamics and, further, realize that the Environmental Education, with its many aspects, is presented as a space of social struggle for hegemony, the prevailing ideas and practices that reproduce the material and ideological conditions of the capitalism system.


educação ambientalismo educacao education environmentalism public policies políticas públicas

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