Verificação e especificação da fauna entomologica presente no processo tanatologico / Verification and specification of the entomological fauna presents in the thanatologic process




The application of the study of the insects, acarids and other arthropods, to legal subjects, is denominated of Forensic Entomology. The forensic entomology is applies itself to countless situations of the daily life, since a simple little beetle in a sack of popcorn, they go by the moths desolating collections of books, that form an alliance with the cockroaches and join the termites destroying documents and antiquities for its time. Not to mention, therefore, its use in relation to stored products and grains, in the crop. Finally, in whole and any place, in which the damage or the appearance of an insect is reason for a damage, direct or indirect, or that, in a certain way can be really the causal connection. It should also highlight one of the most important current applications of the entomology, through which the time of death of a cadaver is determined, independent of its decomposition. In that case, the insects (or other arthropods) related to a cadaver or the leaves of it act as an indicator of the time of the death (PMI). In that context, the present research work has had for objective to verify which insects are mostly found in the cadavers, to determine in which phase of the cadaverous decomposition the same ones happen as wel l as to analyze the viabi lity of using of the same ones for the determining of the elapsed time of the death. For the investigation of that biological fact, in the present work samples collected on 200 cadavers in different decomposition phases, that have passed by the Legal Medical Institute of Cuiabá, State of Mato Grosso were used. To include the corpse in this work, there were not any necessities of criteria like age, sex, high, color or other morphological evidence, because this one does not chance the results of the research. The samples consist of eggs, immature and adult apprenticeships of several insects. All material was collected carefully and processed in the Laboratory of Legal Dentistry of the Ability of Dentistry of Piracicaba?UNICAMP, as well as analyzed not only in its qualitative but also in its quantitative aspects, what has allowed evidencing the intended conclusions. Reached its term, this work of scientific research has allowed ending, through the methodology used that, through the entomological succession, it is possible to determine in which phase the cadaverous decomposition is, allowing this way, to determine the elapsed time of the death


entomologia forense thanatology tanatologia forensic entomology

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