Ver alem da mascara / Look beyond the mask




This work seaks to trace a creation process in the Scenic Arts which has as leaving point the interaction between comunity action and scenic creation. The study was based in the analysis of the character peão boiadero, created through the practice in mímesis corpórea, observin homeless of the city of Campinas as well as observing Nina, a character created based on the behaviour of women landless which have been settled in rural areas. Therefore, this practicle/theoretical investigation focuses the study of the limits between character and type, basing itself in the Commedia dell Arte and in the Mímesis Corpórea. Already as a proposal, this work searches to point out the important colaboration obtained by the interaction of theater and community action may it be in the point of view of the scenic language, may it be result of the scenic artist s action on the society


commedia dell arte character commedia dell arte personagens

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