Veículos de tração animal no Distrito Federal : dos invisíveis ao paradigma da governança ambiental como trilha para construção de um ideário socioambiental e respeito a todas as formas de vida


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The Federal District (DF) is an example of contradictions and contrasts emerging from migration processes that led to an increase in the population density and expansion of urban areas - a landscape which is a byproduct of a perverse paradigm of economic development. Part of the internal migrants, which were excluded from the formal labor sector, appeal to the use of animal-drawn vehicles (VTA) to scavenge recyclable material as an alternative source of income. This research addresses the outcome of a DF governmental decision in 2006 that forbade VTAs traffic in the Plano Piloto area, which is recognized as a Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO, as well as regulated these vehicles elsewhere in the district. This political decision was included in a program initially called Brasília Cartão Postal (Brasilia Post Cart) that later was named Brasília Cidade Limpa (Brasilia Clean City). This research is a discussion of this context, dealing with four categories of social actors public administration, non-governmental organizations, cart-drivers and population. The focus is to understand if the VTA management concerns a process of environmental governance. What is the state of the art of public policies concerning cart drivers and their animals? As this scenarios backstage, this research relies upon two interconnected thematic axes which lead the discussions: animal welfare and socio-environmental inclusion. A case study was the chosen method for this research. It is a qualitative research in an exploratory manner. It allowed to learn how the social stakeholders relate, what, why and how are the processes and practices used in the VTA management in the socialenvironmental context researched. The results of this study showed that there is no process of environmental governance established for the VTA management in the Federal District, as well as no public policies for the social inclusion of cart-drivers and protection of animals.


tração animal veículos ética ambiental marginalidade social biologia geral environmental governance animal-drawn vehicles social exclusion animal welfare ethics and environment

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