Validação de instrumento de medida aplicado a portadores de doença arterial periférica participantes de programa de exercícios físicos / Validation of applied measure instrument the carriers of peripheral arterial disease in program of physical exercises




The peripheral arterial disease (PAD), that it can cause great physical limitation in its carriers, it presents high indexes of mortality and it finds in the physical exercise an effective therapeutic resource. For functional evaluation of carriers of PAD, besides to verify the effectiveness of the instituted therapeutics, several tests exist, being the test of walk of 6 minutes that best reflects the individual s functional condition. However, tends in view eventual limitations of time and space, not always this test can be applied, becoming necessary use of another evaluation resources. The objective of this study went evaluate to relationship among the patients actings with PAD in the test of tolerance to the walk, in particular in its first 6 minutes, and in the Walking Impairamment Questionnaire (WIQ), in process of competitive validation. The sample was composed by 14 men and 3 women with Fontaine.stage II peripheral arterial disease. The coefficient of correlation of Pearson was used for the statistical analysis. The difficulty of going up stairways presented high correlation with the initial claudication (r = 0,86), good correlation with the final claudication (r = 0,77) and traveled total distance (r = 0,76) and reasonable correlation with the distance traveled in 6 minutes (r = 0,66). WIQ presented a good correlation with the initial claudication (r = 0,83) and a reasonable correlation with the final claudication (r =0,67), distance traveled in 6 minutes (r = 0,66) and traveled total distance (r = 0,68). WIQ was revealed, therefore, a valid instrument to be used systematically in the patients evaluation with PAD, so much separately, as together with the walk test.


doenças vasculares periféricas sistema cardiovascular testes de campo questionnaires avaliação funcional field tests fatores de risco risk factors questionários functional evaluation educacao fisica

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