Effects of home exercises in patients with Parkinson s disease / Efeitos dos exercicios domiciliares em pacientes portadores de doença de Parkinson




The purpose of this study was to develop a program of home exercises, to assess its acceptance by patients with Parkinson s disease (PD) and to investigate the economic situation of these patients, and the possible effect of home exercises on signs and symptoms of PD, balance, functional daily activities, quality of life and depression. 57 patients were recruited from the Ambulatory of Movement Disorders of State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), and were allocated in two groups: exercise group (GE) and Control Group (CG). The following assessments were performed on patients: UPDRS, Berg Scale of Balance, Dinamic Gait Index, PDQ-39, Schwab &England, and Beck Depression Inventory. All patients were evaluated at baseline (week 0), after ten weeks of training with home exercises (week 10), and after 8 weeks . After the second assessment, the patients answered a questionnaire about the exercise program carried out at home. 47 patients accepted the home exercises and were allocated in the exercise group (12 women, 35 men; mean age, 62,5 years), and the others 10 patients were allocated to a control group (7 women, 3 men; mean age 65,7 years). Following the home exercise program, the patients of exercise group, showed statistically significant improvement of signs and symptoms of Parkinson´s, balance, functional daily activities, quality of life, and depression. It was concluded that home exercises helps patients with Parkinson´s disease to improve motor performance, balance and quality of life, showing the importance of constant and independent exercising for this population, and the home exercises had a good acceptance by these PD population


doença de parkinson physical therapy (speciality) fisioterapia (especialidade) qualidade de vida parkinson s disease quality of life

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