Uso do sistema de controle gerencial e desempenho: um estudo em empresas brasileiras sob a ótica da VBR (Visão Baseada em Recursos) / Use of the management control system and performance: a study in Brazilian companies RBVs perspective




Managerial Accounting and the Strategy have in common the issue of organizational performance; the first has as the objective of performance measuring the second focuses on how the organizations can obtain performance through competitive advantages. An approach used by the Strategy is the Resource-Based View, through this point of view, the performance is maximized by the company organizational competences, but in this competences search, the organizations use the Management Control System - MCS. Depending on how the MCS is used diagnostically or interactively, or in a combination of both, this can contribute to the competences development and the dynamic tensions balance and indirectly, influence the organizational performance. Originated by the Henri (2006) theoretical model this study proposal is to contribute for this relationship understanding in the 1,000 Brazilian biggest companies, using the multivariate statistic technique Structural Equation Modeling with the estimation method Partial Least Square PLS. The result in a total of 104 companies indicates that (i) there are no evidences of negative relationship between the diagnostic use and the organizational competences development, suggesting that in Brazil, the diagnostic use can have a minor dysfunctional component, and also, that the diagnostic use can be seen as an organizational routine needed to maintain the organization in a planned path, which is not incompatible with the competences development ; (ii) there are no meaningful positive relationships between the competence development and the economical performance, measured by the Return on Equity, which is coherent with the Henri (2006), suggesting that there must be other variables not contemplated in the model, or even that the indicator ROE might not be an adequate proxy of development in the years of 2005-2007; (iii) there is a relationship between the interactive use and the development of competences, excepting the enterprising, which is consistent with Henri (2006) results; there is a positive relation between the dynamic tensions and the competences, which is aligned with Henri (2006) and validates the theory that the tensions are important for the search of the organizational effectiveness (v) diagnostic use and interactive use of the MCS have a positive influence on the dynamic tensions, being able to configure the MCS as an additional resource in the RBV framework ; (vi) when the development measurement is made by self-evaluation, there happens a results change of the relations between competences and performance, with the organizational learning competences and market orientation having a positive influence on the performance, indicating that this two competences/orientations must be stimulates by the MCS use. The research results have some limitation; the main one is that the answers reflect the perception of corporate controllers and finance managers The data analyses did not take in account the stratification by economical sector. These limitations enhance future researches, such as its reply using others professional profiles ; the use cases study methodology in companies with different cultural and performance profiles, and more accurate studies of the usage dimension of specific competences and the same construct deriving from other fields of knowledge.


controladoria strategy managerial accounting desempenho organizacional estratégia organizacional contabilidade gerencial análise multivariada interactive usage performance diagnostic usage management control system

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