Uso de poços inteligentes em desenvolvimento de campos de petroleo sob incertezas / Use of smart wells in petroleum field developments under uncertainties




The selection of a production strategy is one of the most important tasks to ensure success of petroleum fields development. In order to improve the performance of fields, the use of smart wells is becoming a common practice. In such wells, devices like valves and sensors are able to monitor and control the production in real time, adding flexibility to the operation. However, it is possible that the expected gain of these wells production does not pay off the required additional investments. Recent works compare smart and conventional wells but, generally, the smart wells strategies are optimized heeder, so that they have shown best results; this could yield lack of reliability to the process. The objective of this work is to develop a production optimization methodology allowing a fair comparison between smart and conventional wells. A methodology of production strategy optimization, which considers the availability of different production capacities, was developed and applied to both the conventional and smart wells. The methodology was applied to a slightly heterogeneous reservoir, considering a deterministic case. As a second step, the impact of uncertainties and heterogeneities on the optimized strategies was studied. Finally, a decision analysis was discussed, considering smart and conventional strategies and platform capacity. The main objective of the developed methodology was to provide reliability in the optimization process. In the deterministic example with low heterogeneity, the results showed small differences between the two alternatives. However, with the addition of uncertainties and with the increase of the heterogeneity, smart wells presented some advantages. It was shown, in the process to compare the two wells, that many possible strategies can be applied with advantages and disadvantages to both kind of wells. The differences are generally small and the choice depends on several factors. Some of this factor, especially the characteristic of the case and economic scenario, can be considered as a part of the problem and must be handling statistically. Other factors are specific of the decisionmaking process, such as: objectives of the company, particular interest of each project and risk aversion from the decision maker. The influence of these factors in the optimization process affects de decision to use or not smart wells.


smart wells incerteza processo decisorio uncertainties risco decision analysis poços inteligentes platform capacity

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